Wren Accounting Services Limited

Tax investigation service Reponse Slip

Reasons to act now:

1    Enquiries are taking more time to deal with and are becoming more expensive as a consequence. Yet the cost of not defending enquiries properly is huge.

2    If you cannot afford the defence, you could end up paying a much higher tax bill.

3    Tax investigations can happen to anyone: whether you are an individual or in business; however good your records; even at random.

4    HMRC have access to data from merchant acquirers, banks and building societies, property-based information, land registry, letting agents, mortgage applications, DVLA, foreign data from overseas tax authorities, the tax evasion hotline – and they continue to expand their data sources. Even if you have done nothing wrong, you can be selected.

5    HMRC are using their compliance resources and cross-tax enquiries to undertake targeted campaigns to maximise the tax they can recover.

6    We can’t take away the stress and anxiety of being under investigation, but we can remove the cost, and work to achieve the best outcome for you.

Round-the-clock legal support*

When you subscribe to our tax investigation service, you’ll have access to a team of qualified solicitors for employment law, health and safety matters, and commercial issues. A legal expert is only a phone call away and, most importantly, the advice is:

  •    Free with unlimited calls
  •    In clear, straightforward language
  •    Available 24/7, 365 days a year
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